Tuesday, December 13, 2011


You officially found your feet today!! You were playing with them a bit before here and there, but today they became your new friends. You also love to kick your legs super fast, roll over, and you "talk" like crazy. You are the most amazing little guy. I love how your eyes light up when you see me or when I sing to you. You play with toys more now and are starting to understand cause and effect. You love music and the Christmas tree. I'm looking forward to spending lots of time with you now that I'm on winter break! I love you Noah Bear (or Buddy Boodle).

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rolling with the homies (your toys)!

You can now roll all the way over from your back to your tummy and your tummy to your back. I'm so amazed by every little thing you do every day. You play with toys and have started to hug stuffed animals. You look at the world like you just can't get enough and like you're taking in everything you see.

You had your first virus this week-BOO!! But it gave me more time with you and I'm so happy for that. I love you Noah!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Baptized and rolling eeover all in one day!

Dear Noah,

You were baptized today. It was a beautiful ceremony with Fr. Kevin. Although, I do have to say that the best part was when the prayer for exorcism was done and you had the loudest, smelliest poop at the end of the prayer. I guess you got out all the demons.

You've been working on rolling over for weeks now. You were just moving to your side until this afternoon when we got home from the baptism and you rolled to your tummy. It happened so fast, I'm so glad I didn't miss it.

Every day you seem to reach a new milestone. You "talk" so much now and you have more and more coos every day. You grab for toys and put things in your mouth. I'm amazed by you and I love you more than I could have ever known I could love. God bless you on your baptism today Baby Noah. I love you.

Monday, November 7, 2011

You got your feets!

Today you bent yourself over while I was holding you sitting up in my lap and grabbed your foot and put it in your mouth. It was super adorable. Love you!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Learning how to grab!

Dear Noah,

On November 1st, you learned how to grab stuff! Today you learned how to grab things and put them in your mouth. So amazing. You love the pinwheel grandma got you and you love when I read to you. You can make the pinwheel spin and you can crunch the petals. You're sitting here laughing and cooing at me right now. I am so amazed by you and everything you are learning every day. You also like when I play with your feet and sing to you (There's a bunny on your pants and he's doing a dance, there are giraffes on your feet and they're kind of neat, there's a bird on your belly and he's kind of smelly). Love you so much!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Getting so big!

Noah, you're getting so big so fast! You're almost 11 weeks old! You've outgrown your bassinet, so we're hoping that the new travel lite crib we ordered for you last night works better so you can stay in our room with us a bit longer. You're also in size 2 diapers now! You outgrew your 1s overnight it seems. You laugh and smile so easily now. You love your vibrating zebra, your Octopus, and when we sing bad versions of George Clinton's "We've got the funk." You also love to watch the lights on your rainforest gym. At your last appointment, you were 12 lbs 3 oz and 24.5 inches long. Grandma and grandpa are now watching you 3 days a week and you love it. I hate it because it means less time with you. But I get to look forward to seeing your smiling face and that gets me through my work days. You also love your bath now and have learned how to splash. You've learned how to grab onto things and now smile and get distracted when your nursing. I love when you look right up at me when I'm feeding you. You are the most beautiful thing and have the most gorgeous blue eyes. Even though I know it's not the best pattern to get into, one of my favorite things to do with you is cuddle and sleep at night. I love watching your little face and I love how you hug me back in your sleep. I also love our cuddle time as a family on weekend mornings. Your daddy and I love you very much!

Monday, September 26, 2011

My smily boy

Noah, you smile more and more every day. You have all sorts of little cooing sounds you're making and you clearly know who your mommy and daddy are now. You also have so many different facial expressions. I'm amazed at how much you can do already and you're still so little. Today you started randomly hitting the toys on your play mat. During tummy time, you tend to fall asleep as soon as we put you on your tummy. You are the cutest thing around. You're starting to fit more into your 3-6 month clothes. Some of your onsies and footie pajamas are too small on you now. I'm loving watching you grow and change every day.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My little cooer

You are cooing up a storm now and smiling so big sometimes. You like when I make a fool of myself when I change your diaper. I usually end up singing something silly and dancing and you can't get enough of it. You look like your laughing and have started to squeak a little when you are super happy, like you are learning how. It's amazing to me how much we've gotten to know each other in the past month too. You totally know I'm your mommy and every day we get into a better rhythm with each other.

Today we went and met Daddy at Qdoba and then I took you shopping. You are so good and slept the whole time. Neither one of us can stop staring at you, kissing you, and hugging you. I don't know how I'm ever going to get anything done, ever again.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

1 Month Appointment!

Today we had your 1 month appointment and you are growing like crazy! You are now 10 lbs 15 oz and 23.25 inches long!! I love my sturdy boy :)! We love your pediatrician, Dr. Weiser. She's so good with you and so knowledgable.

Last night you met your "future girlfriend" Abigail Stephanie Hart. She's tiny and only 6 lbs 12 oz. I think you can fit her in your pocket.

We've started to call you schmoopie quite a bit along with your other nicknames.

You're smiling more at us every day. You like when I sing to you and it usually starts you off cooing and grinning. You also like when I bicycle your legs and start singing "I like to ride my bicycle." You're more and more interactive every day and I love you more and more every day.

You finally seem to like tummy time, although after about 10 minutes you fell asleep on the mat! You've been out like that for almost an hour now!! I wish I could sleep like you sometimes!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Apple Picking

Today we took you apple picking for the first time. I don't think you got much out of it, but it was still a fun memory. We used your ergo baby for the first time too. Then afterwards we went to Cheesecake factory. You're such an awesome baby that you slept almost the whole day. We also used your moby wrap in the Barnes and Noble, you slept there too. It was a fun day as a family. Laura and Remy were there too. Remy loves you, she doesn't quite get that you're a real living baby, but she thinks you're pretty cool. We all do too.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Almost a month old

Noah, you will be a month old on Sunday! Wow. Jesse and I were talking about how you are like your own little person already. So alert and observant of everything around you. I love how you look people in the eyes when we talk to you. I've never met a baby so in tune with the world around him. Every day you seem to be taking in everything you see and learning. I'm so excited to see what you do in the coming days and weeks. Love you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You're almost a month old already!

Dear Noah,

I'm planning on keeping this blog to write all the amazing things down that you do over the course of the next few years. I don't want to forget anything about my little miracle and this is something I can go back and read or share with you when you're older. I love you. I can't believe it's almost been a whole month since I had you. You've already done so much in that month and every day I thank God that I have you in my life. When I was pregnant with you, I knew I would love you, but never knew how strong and amazing that love would be until you were born. You are the perfect baby. Some things that are remarkable about that first month:

  • The minute I saw them take you over to the warmer I started to cry. I couldn't believe you were finally here. When I saw daddy hold you for the first time it was the most amazing thing. 
  • The first time I got to hold you in my arms. I was initially really upset because I had to have a c-section and wait almost 2 hours to hold you. But the minute they gave me to you and I nursed you for the first time, I completely forgot all of that and just looked at you in amazement.
  • This time with you and daddy as a family, during our first weeks together, has been simply awesome. It's brought a whole new love to my marriage with Jesse. Not only do I know him as an amazing husband, but now I know him as an amazing father. We've had our moments that are hard as we try to figure things out, like when you have "open-air accidents" all over your nursery or when we tried to give you a bath for the first time, or the horrible night I fell with you on the way to the creamery (I want to forget about that one and your first awful trip to the ER. Thank GOD you were ok!). 
  • The minute you opened your eyes and looked up at me for the first time was simply one of the best minutes in my life. I will never forget it.
  • The happy look you get now when I talk to you. It's almost like you understand my words. You love when I say "I love you." and "God bless you." 
  • You hate having your diaper changed but I love how much comfort you get when I pick you up after I change you. 
  • How peaceful you look when you sleep. You're sleeping right now in your Boppy lounger while I write this and I can't stop looking at how adorable you are and the little faces you are making while you sleep.
  • I never knew how much I'd love to breastfeed you. It's a special thing that we share with each other and it's such a miracle that I can do it. I also love how relaxed you are after you eat and how you sometimes fall asleep so soundly in my arms.
  • I love how you reach up to me when you're on the changing table and how you are starting to hug my shoulder when I'm holding you.
  • Thank you for sitting in your monkey chair when I take showers in the morning and get ready. 
  • When you're awake and alert, you always look like you're deep in thought.
  • When you are sleeping so peacefully in the car.
  • Your superman arms when you're laying on the changing table. 
  • Your smiles in your sleep and when I talk to you. The little motions you make with your mouth when you're sleeping. YOU in general!
  • The way your legs pull up when I lift you out of the car seat or up from when you've taken a nap.
  • The way you like to flip people the bird
  • The meh noise you make when you cry
  • Things we call you right now: Squishy face, squishy, Noah bear, Noah Balboa, Buddy
I love you Noah! I'm so happy to be your mommy.