Sunday, October 30, 2011

Getting so big!

Noah, you're getting so big so fast! You're almost 11 weeks old! You've outgrown your bassinet, so we're hoping that the new travel lite crib we ordered for you last night works better so you can stay in our room with us a bit longer. You're also in size 2 diapers now! You outgrew your 1s overnight it seems. You laugh and smile so easily now. You love your vibrating zebra, your Octopus, and when we sing bad versions of George Clinton's "We've got the funk." You also love to watch the lights on your rainforest gym. At your last appointment, you were 12 lbs 3 oz and 24.5 inches long. Grandma and grandpa are now watching you 3 days a week and you love it. I hate it because it means less time with you. But I get to look forward to seeing your smiling face and that gets me through my work days. You also love your bath now and have learned how to splash. You've learned how to grab onto things and now smile and get distracted when your nursing. I love when you look right up at me when I'm feeding you. You are the most beautiful thing and have the most gorgeous blue eyes. Even though I know it's not the best pattern to get into, one of my favorite things to do with you is cuddle and sleep at night. I love watching your little face and I love how you hug me back in your sleep. I also love our cuddle time as a family on weekend mornings. Your daddy and I love you very much!