Thursday, March 29, 2012

So many changes

Noah, you are eating lots of different foods now, you're crawling great and you're pulling yourself up. You are 7 months old! Where does the time go? You are so interactive and such a silly little guy. So much personality in such a little body :)! You love Bandit and crawl to him to say "Hi" whenever you can. You love the outdoors and we try to take you out for walks when you can. You especially love to take walks with grandma when I am working. You are so loving and lovable. I'm so happy to have you in my life.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Crawling and everything!

Noah, you are starting to do so many awesome things! You can balance for a long time sitting up now. You are interacting with toys. And you are crawling!! Still an army crawl, but a crawl! You can move pretty quickly too. You are also able to sit yourself up on your own and you are starting to pull yourself up to stand. I can't believe how quickly you are growing. You are clearly attached to us now and are reaching up for us to pick you up. You are so observant of the world around you, love exploring toys and other objects, and are just so amazing. You are talking more and more, sing with songs, and are just a joy. We love you.