Saturday, February 18, 2012

Two Teeth!!

Noah! Both of your bottom front teeth came in last week! You got one on Friday the 10th and one on Saturday the 11th! I can't believe how fast you are growing! You also started to crawl today. You are still moving pretty slow, but you are moving all the same. I'm loving every minute of watching you grow, but I also miss when you were a tiny little baby in my arms. You are so perfect and awesome. I love being your mommy.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


You're bottom left front tooth came in!! It's just little and sticking out a tiny bit right now, but it's there! YAY!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

So many new things!

Dear Noah,

So much has changed since I last wrote to you. You're sitting up on your own now. You're still a bit wobbly, but you can do it. You're more interested in toys now, love your jumper and your exersaucer-especially the parts on both that involve alligators. We also started you on solid foods. So far, you like bananas and sweet potatoes. We've also tried egg yolks, peas, carrots, pears and squash. You don't like them...yet. I hope you will though! Your favorite toys right now are your lion and you love your taggie ball. You're starting to babble and say MaMa and BaBa. The first time you said MaMa, you brought tears to my eyes. You are the best blessing I was ever given and I love you.